Join us this Sunday
Worship with us:
483 McNaughton Ave E, Chatham ON
Service times:
10:00am & 2:00pm
Global Outreach
Before the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave His church the charge to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
From the early years of our establishment in North America (1950), the Canadian Reformed Churches have made efforts to obey this commandment. The Dutch immigrants to Canada naturally took their starting point for foreign mission where their forefathers had begun long before – Brazil and Indonesia. Mission work is understood to be the responsibility of the local church which neighbouring sister churches then support. By God’s grace and abundant blessing, over the half-century of our existence in Canada and the US, several foreign mission posts have been established on two continents and numerous churches have been planted.
We provide mission support to the Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church in Hamilton which for more than 20 years has been active in Maceió, Brazil. To learn more about the Mission work visit the Gospel Action Brazil website.
Among others, our church supports the following international organizations:
- Our Church supports COAH, Come Over and Help Aid Organization Inc. It is an organization committed to providing aid to churches and Christians in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
- We support the CRWRF, Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund which is a voluntary charitable organization based in the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches. The Fund presents an avenue for us to respond to the needs of our distant neighbours.
- We support our brothers and sisters in the Lord from the federation of Free Reformed Church, South Africa.
- As a congregation we support the work of MAF. Best known for aviation, Mission Aviation Fellowship pilots and mechanics operate and maintain a fleet of over 142 aircraft – flying in and out of some 2,500 airstrips around the world. Together, MAF reaches out on Wings of Love to put Christian faith into action by providing for the transportation and communications needs of thousands of missionaries, relief and development agencies, and indigenous churches around the world.
- We support Middle East Reformed Fellowship. MERF is engaged in encouraging and strengthening the Church throughout the Middle East, North and East Africa and other Muslim lands. Ministries include: 1. Evangelistic Outreach. 2. Church Extension. 3. Biblical Training. 4. Diaconal Aid.
- We support mission work that is overseen by the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church in Toronto. Bethel is engaged in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in Papua New Guinea along with the Free Reformed Churches of Australia and the Reformed Churches of New Zealand.
- We support Word and Deed Adoration Christian Centre in Port-au-Prince Haiti. Adoration Christian Centre is a holistic, Christian, social mission serving and discipling Haitians in Port-au-Prince through their school, partnerships with the local church, and a medical clinic.